/tmp/jmqgn.jpg -54-Falcon – MCAM


The Falcon was designed following our learnings from producing and capturing data with the Gigacam. It is now our “flagship” MCAM setup, as it offers the most flexible arrangements of operating modalities. It includes 54 micro-cameras, each with 13 Megapixels, for a total of 770 Megapixels per snapshot. It images a compact 8×12 cm area at approximately 4.5 µm per pixel resolution in its standard configuration. All of its micro-cameras are synchronized within less than a 6 micro-second delay, and it can run at speeds up to 230 frames per second with a proportionally reduced pixel count. Please see more technical details about this fun new instrument below!  

 The following papers utilize the Falcon-54 technology in several unique configurations to image freely moving organisms (zebrafish, fruit flies, ants) at high speeds and in 3D. Also, please see details about related technological capabilities at Ramona Optics, and feel free to check out some of the full-scale results at our associated Gigaviewer webpage.

Optica 2023

Related Publication:

(Optica 2023) M. Harfouche, K. Kim, P. C. Konda, S. Sharma, E. E. Thomson, K. C. Zhou, C. Cooke, S. Xu, X. Yang, X. Yao, V. Pathak, R. Appel. C. Cooke, J. Doman, G. Horstmeyer, J. Park, P. Reamey, V. Saliu, E. Naumann and R. Horstmeyer , “Multi-scale gigapixel microscopy using a multi-camera array microscope,” Accepted to Optica (2023). Pre-PrintDOIProject Page

Nat. Photonics 2023 (3D-RAPID)

Related Publication:

(Nature Photonics 2023) K. C. Zhou, M. Harfouche, C. L. Cooke, J. Park, P. C. Konda, L. Kreiss, K. Kim, J. Jonsson, T. Doman, P. Reamey, V. Saliu, C. B. Cook, M. Zheng, J. P. Bechtel, A. Begue, M. McCarroll, J. Bagwell, G. Horstmeyer, M. Bagnat and R. Horstmeyer, “Parallelized computational 3D video microscopy of freely moving organisms at multiple gigapixels per second,” Accepted to Nature Photonics (2023). Code, Data, Pre-Print, DOI, Project Page

Tomographic larvae
3D tomographic video - stay tuned!!
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